Bluebell Photo Shoot What to Wear.
How to decide What to Wear During Your Bluebell Photo Shoot
So, you have booked your bluebell photo shoot and are wondering what to wear.
The following post will explain what I think works best. Of course, this is just my opinion. Remember, it is your bluebell photo shoot and you must be comfortable with what you choose. This is just meant to be a little post to help you. Ultimately guiding you to ensure you and your family are looking your most awesome!
Bluebell Photo Shoots are Colourful.
Strong greens and purples will provide the back drop to your photo shoot.
However, don’t try to compete with these. Or match.
Importantly, sticking to neutral tones and soft hues is a good basis to start with.
Therefore pick up to three colours which complement your surroundings and choose your outfits around them. To clarify, I find greys, navy, cream, lilac and blue all work nicely. In fact greys are my upmost favourite for a bluebell photo shoot. They sit well against both purple and green whilst allowing enough contrast to pop.
What Not to Wear for Your Bluebell Photo Shoot.
I would urge you to keep away from strong and loud patterns. Likewise, logo’s and bright colours. In this instance simple clothing photographs best. However, I do like a bit of texture. A little frill, chunky jumper or scarf and denim jackets all work well.
You may have a little one that likes a pretty dress or one who hangs out in scruffy jeans and a t shirt, all this is fine. Just remember your colour palettes and all will be good. In addition, make sure you’re all wearing clothes that reflect who you are. I have no airs or graces, so you don’t need to bring any along either! Just be yourselves.
Bluebell Photo Shoots Can be Dark.
Remember also, that the woods can be quite dark and cool at bluebell time of year. Especially so as the ultimate time to photograph in the bluebells is early morning or as the sun is coming down in the afternoon. To sum up, make sure everyone has an extra layer to bung on. No one wants to be photographed if they are cold and miserable.
As always, if there is anything personal that you would like to bring along to your shoot please feel free to do so. This may include a favourite teddy, book or maybe even wellies…all are welcome.
Natural Bluebell Photography
Ultimately, I’m searching as always to photograph family connections. Ordinarily, I’d encourage the kids to run and jump around. Movement in family photography is important to me. I mean, how long does a child naturally stand still for? However, when photographing among the bluebells we need to take extra care. We will keep to paths and take care not to trample. (Another reason to make sure that you’re all warm enough.)

Enjoy the Bluebells.
Of course, the bluebells can be enjoyed by all even if you don’t have a photo session booked. Hertfordshire has numerous choices for visiting the bluebells. An enchanting location is Heartwood Forest, you can visit their website here.
( They run activities for kids throughout the year too.)
More information for bluebell hunting can be sourced here…
Just remember to keep to the paths so the bluebells can be enjoyed by everyone.
Visit my Pinterest Page for Inspiration
You can visit a Pinterest page that I put together illustrating a range of bluebell colour palletes here.
Oh, and if you haven’t booked a shoot but would like to please get in touch using this page here.

Finally, you can keep up to date with all that I do by visiting my blog. Jump on over to read more here.
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